"50s Fab Pink
Patio Party" at the Great Outdoors
Restaurant in High Springs on
October 27th from 6-9 p.m.
Proceeds will be donated by the Great Outdoors
to Survivors for
Research to help support ongoing research at the U.F.
Health Cancer Center. The research focuses on finding more effective
treatments for triple negative
breast cancer.
Don't forget to tell them
at the door that you are there for the Pink Patio Party.
Please join us for a very fun evening while
supporting a great cause. Dress in your 50s pink (or not) and try some of
the pink drinks created for this event! There will be raffle drawings, a live
DJ, great food, and for dessert, some fabulous, triple layer-pink
strawberry cake! Whole cakes may be ordered throughout the month of
October, with proceeds of the cake sales being donated as well.
Reservations are
preferred but not required. Please call the restaurant and tell them you
are coming to the Pink Patio Party: 386 4541288
Help us spread the word
by sharing this email, and by printing and posting the attached flier.
See you
there!!! (if unable
to open the attachment, refer to the flier below, or otherwise let me