Monday, November 4, 2013

Research to Reality Cyber Seminar: Using New/Social Media for Cancer Control and Prevention

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 2013, 2:00 – 3:00 PM EST

In early summer, the NCI Research to Reality Program issued a call for abstract inviting community members to share their experiences using new and social media tools in innovative and effective ways.  The response was robust and we are delighted to present the first in a two-part series on Using New/Social Media for Cancer Control & Prevention Interventions.
The use of applications (apps) to deliver evidence-based messages and interventions will be illustrated through the AYA Healthy Survivorship app. Deborah Vollmer Dahlke designed this iOS application for adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors (ages 15-39), to assess their health habits using a theory-based interactive tool that includes a BMI calculator. The assessment gives survivors individual scores for lifestyle, physical activity, nutrition and well-being.

In her presentation, Dr. Versie Johnson-Mallard of the University of South Florida, will demonstrate how the virtual environment Second Life (SL) was used as an educational intervention to increase the knowledge of HPV.  Dr Johnson-Mallard will discuss the efficacy of SL as an educational intervention in improving knowledge of HPV a virus linked to causing cervical cancer.

Vollmer Dahlke and Johnson-Mallard will share their perspectives on the best uses of social and new media and how they addressed key issues of cost, dissemination, and sustainability.  The final part of the webinar will be dedicated to Q&A and discussion and will offer an opportunity to engage with the presenters, and also to share your own experiences and thoughts.


Versie Johnson-Mallard, Ph.D., WHNP-BC, Associate Professor, University of South Florida College of Nursing
Deborah Vollmer-Dahlke, Director, Texas Life Science Foundation, Chair, Cancer Alliance of Texas


Please click on the following link for more information and to register for this event:

Following registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the toll free number, web URL, and participant passcode.  This cyber-seminar will be archived on the Research to Reality (R2R) web site at approximately one week following the presentation.

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